Harvey's Incred-A-Soil, llc
We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of humus compost available to customers while at the same time, building lasting value into the soil. Our compost environmentally friendly, and very effective.
We know that by applying high quality humus compost to your fields and gardens, you are actively participating in increasing the beneficial micro-life in your soil.
Check out some of the testimonials and information below to learn more about how Incred-A-Soil can add lasting value to your soil!
Hear from Incred-A-Soil Customers
Humus Compost In Action!
With humus compost, nutrients are available to growing plants at all times.
We Also Carry

For hard surface sanitation, disinfection, and clean-in-place applications. Available sizes from 2.5 - 275 gal.
Find Incred-A-Soil at These Fine Businesses.
Amherst Greenhouse
Located at
644 County Road 126
Harrod, Ohio 45850
Wayne's Country Greenhouse
Located at
2440 Lexington Ave
Mansfield, Ohio 44907
Berlin Seeds
Located at
5335 County Road 77
Millersburg, Ohio 44654
Safe Lawns Organic Lawn Care
Located at
1921 Mink Street
Johnstown, Ohio 43031
Mile's Farmer's Market
Located at
28560 Miles Road
Solon, Ohio 44139
Country Fabrics
Located at
6142 Ganges Five Points Road
Shiloh, Ohio 44878
Contact Us
Harvey's Incred-A-Soil
1991 Shatzer Rd.
Shiloh, Ohio 44878
Phone: 419-896-3786
Office: 419-896-3785